Lorna The Exorcist / DVD-Video / Production Year: 1974
Studio: Mondo Macabro / Release Date: 11/23/2010 / Length: 84 mins / Item Code: MDO 147
En un año en que su único lanzamiento al mercado fue la doble presentación o bien "double feature" compuesta por The Sadist With Red Teeth / Forbidden Paris, esperemos que Mondo Macabro mantenga el prestigio que supo obtener con su amplio catálogo anterior. La cajita roja, un detalle que copió Shameless de UK con sus cajitas amarillas. Los títulos más oscuros del planeta y con extras inesperados como cuando en la edición de Blood Of The Virgins (Sangre de Vírgenes) aparece el "Documentary on Argentinian exploitation" de Diego Curubeto.
Pueden leer una entrevista a Diego Curubeto en A Sala Llena aquí: http://www.asalallenaonline.com.ar/entr ... ubeto.html
Hablando sobre su película/documental sobre Isabel Sarli. Y sus Críticas de Cine aquí: http://www.todaslascriticas.com.ar/crit ... o-curubeto
Ya que estoy les dejo The Sadist Has Red Teeth / Le Sadique aux Dents Rouges (1971, Jean-Louis Van Belle) vía http://www.myduckisdead.com/2010/06/sad ... -1971.html y Forbidden Paris / Paris Interdit (1969, Jean-Louis van Belle) vía http://www.filestube.com/4e6534f53334a2d903e9,g/Forbidden-Paris-1969-DVDRip-XviD-BLooDWeiSeR-NewSceneFiles-net.html . DVD Review: http://www.dvddrive-in.com/reviews/n-s/ ... th7069.htm
Jean-Louis van Belle es un director de cine que hizo 4 cortos y 12 películas. Las que editó Mondo Macabro son su debut cinematográfico y su tercera película (un documental Mondo). Existe un documental reciente sobre Jean-Louis titulado “So Who is Jean Louis van Belle / Mais qui est Jean-Louis Van Belle?” (2010) que forma parte de la edición en DVD que hizo Mondo Macabro.
Otras películas suyan son Pervertissima (1971), Perverse et docile (1971), Les singes font la grimace (1972), La guerre des espions (1972), las pornos Made in Sex (1976) y Projections spéciales (1976, con Karine Gambier, por eso supongo que debe ser una porno), Un tueur, un flic, ainsi soit-il... (1977), etc. Más: http://www.cinematheque.fr/fr/projections/archives/fiche-manifestation/cinema-bis-mondo-van-belle-decouverte-cineaste-excentrique,10227.html
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Lorna The Exorcist / DVD-Video / Widescreen 1.78:1 Color (Anamorphic) / Production Year: 1974 / Region All
Studio: Mondo Macabro / Production Year: 1974 / Release Date: 2/1/2011 / Length: 100 mins
Lorna The Exorcist (1974) [Jess Franco] [+ extras]
"The disintegration of a neurotic bourgeois family and its descent into madness."
The main feature rip includes both English and French audio tracks, along with English soft subs (OCRed & proofed .srt).
The extra interview with Gerard Kikoine is in French with English soft subs (OCRed & proofed .srt), and the bonus LFVW scenes are in French with English hardsubs. All other extras are in English without any subs.
I'm a huge believer in always ripping all available extras on a disc. None of that bullshit "if you want extras go get the DVD" shit here. So here are all of the extras on the disc--plus a few that aren't --which I've included:
--Fear and Desire: Stephen Thrower on Jess Franco - A ~17-1/2 minute featurette with the author of Nightmare USA & Beyond Terror...and who was supposed to have a book on Franco out last year (lol that's the most relevant guy MM could find to interview?)
--Stephen Thrower on Lorna - Another ~12-1/2 minute interview with that dude^.
--Gerard Kikoine: Working with Franco - A ~14-1/2 minute interview with a guy who did some sound editing/dubbing for a few Franco flicks (MM scraping the bottom of the barrel for interviewees again).
--Trailer Reel - Just under 8 minutes of schlocky teasers for a fuckton of other MM releases (Snake Sisters, Nikkatsu Erotic Cinema, The Queen of Black Magic, Silip - Daughters of Eve, Mystics in Bali, The Blood Rose, The Bollywood Horror Collection, Snake Dancer, The Devil's Sword, Lifespan, Don't Deliver Us from Evil, Satan's Blood, Virgins from Hell, For Your Height Only, French Sex Murders, The Deathless Devil, Living Doll, Satanico Pandemonium, Panic Beats, Clonus, The Killer Must Kill Again, The Mansion of Madness, Alucarda, The Diabolical Dr. Z, Aswang, The Living Corpse, Blood of the Virgins, Seven Women for Satan, Lady Terminator, Crazy Love, Mill of the Stone Women, Dangerous Seductress, Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay - Special Edition), which would all make for a fun mini-mix if it weren't marred by the fact that each film has its title watermarked in giant white font for its duration.
--LFVW Extended Scenes - The back cover of the MM release claims that the "Special DVD Features" include "Deleted and extended scenes." Presumably, MM are talking about the 'lost' scenes that they spliced into the film, as there are no separate deleted scenes in the Extras menus...as would generally be the standard practice when you're listing deleted/extended scenes as a separate special feature...But hey, not to worry, as I've taken the liberty of including some real extended scenes that didn't quite make the MM "fully uncut" cut (see the Versions section below for a full explanation of MM's lies).
--Notes on the Restoration - A short note on the effort MM went through to make this composite print (transcribed to a .txt).
--About the Film - A brief blurb about the film, which manages to plug one of MM's other Franco releases...lol (transcribed to .txt).
--Bios - Brief bios for Andre Benichou, Guy Delorme, Howard Vernon, Jacqueline Laurent, Lina Romay, and Pamela Stanford (transcribed to .txt).
-Images: a few images I tossed in as some bonus eye candy...
--Cover & Disc Scans - Hi-res scans courtesy of franco8102.
--US & French Posters -- Hi-res scans courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.
The back cover of the MM release claims that this release is "fully uncut and uncensored", a sound bite that some reviewers appear to have blindly parroted without any skepticism. Unfortunately, much like when, say, ABCDVD claimed that their release of Franco's Die Sklavinnen was uncut, MM's claim is similarly a blatant lie.
In comparing the MM release to the earlier custom subbed LFVW release, one can see that while the MM release does have a number of scenes not in the LFVW print, it also has a couple scenes which are abridged, thus making it a cut release that's missing over a minute of footage overall.
Specifically, the two cut scenes are:
-Linda Dreaming (@ ~00:44:57 in LFVW, ~00:55:15 in MM): The LFVW print includes about a 10-second longer shot of Linda dreaming.
-Patrick/Marianne Sex Scene (@ ~00:59:40 in LFVW, ~01:12:08 in MM): The sex scene between the husband and wife is about a full minute longer in the LFVW print.
I've included both of these extended scenes from the LFVW print in the ../Extras/video/ section to make up for MM not including any separate deleted/extended scenes.
The MM release may indeed be the longest cut of the film (which, even if true, still doesn't make it uncut), but aside from it I've only seen the LFVW print so I can't say for sure...
Huge thanks to franco8102 @ Tik for upping the untouched DVD9, from which this rip is sourced . There's an irritating hiss in some parts of the soundtrack that comes from a degraded source, but otherwise it's quite a nice release.
At any rate, enjoy the flick!
Please do share this flick on other trackers, usenet, ed2k, and everywhere else. Spread the films like AIDS.![]()
ENLACE: http://tracker.zaerc.com/torrents-details.php?id=15373
DVD REVIEWS: http://10kbullets.com/reviews/l/lorna-t ... o-macabro/ / http://www.eccentric-cinema.com/reviews ... orcist.htm
http://www.mondo-digital.com/lornaexorcist.html / http://www.dvddrive-in.com/reviews/i-m/ ... st7374.htm / http://mondomacabrodvd.blogspot.com/201 ... lorna.html
WEBSITE/ BLOG: http://www.mondomacabrodvd.com/start.html / http://mondomacabrodvd.blogspot.com/